Voiceprint Phrases

The peanut butter to API 2.0’s biometric engine jelly.

What are voiceprint phrases?

Simply put, these are unique phrases that have been created for our API. They’re used with our speech-to-text engines, in addition to the text-dependent voice biometric engines, to uphold the highest level of security.

What makes a good voiceprint phrase?

Contrary to popular belief, ‘my voice is my password’ is actually not a secure phrase. Due to the repeating sounds and lengths, it doesn’t meet our standards. We use the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) as a guide. Thus, approved phrases contain enough IPA phonetic data to allow for an accurate voiceprint. Remember that your phrase needs a minimum of 10 syllables and should have no repeating IPA phonemes. Examples include:

  • Never forget tomorrow is a new day
  • Today is a nice day to go for a walk

How do I request a voiceprint phrase?

If you want to create a custom phrase, you can request it via the Voiceprint Phrases section of your API 2.0 Dashboard. Use these easy steps:

  • 1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  • 2. Navigate to Voiceprint Phrases.
  • 3. Type your phrase in the Request New Phrase section.
  • 4. Make sure to select the proper content language from the dropdown menu. You need to have a phrase for each content language that you wish to use.

How do I manage my voiceprint phrases?

You can also see all of your approved phrases in the Voiceprint Phrases section of the Dashboard. Simply scroll down to Your Phrases to review them:

If you need to, you can easily delete any phrase you want to stop using.


That’s a quick overview of voiceprint phrases. I hope it helped and inspired you. Now get back out there and create some phrases of your own!

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